The VoiceGym service
VoiceGym and Early VoiceGym are complete exercise programmes for the coordination and efficiency of voice, body and brain.
Each exercise works them all together. This develops a voice having the resonance and power only possible when the body has attractive upright posture and the brain has flexibility and imagination.
The programme was created by Angela Caine - voice teacher, musician, lecturer, presenter and author - using the principles of Functional Anatomy, Pilates, The Alexander Technique and the experience of dealing with troublesome voices (including her own) and turning them around so that they redevelop their inherent potential.
Who is it for?
Singers who wish to retrain
Learning to sing
Confidence, authority and personal power
Improving face muscle balance and tongue position
Provides an exercise plan to support orthodontic, osteopathic or chiropractic treatment
New instructional VoiceGym presentations at
Body Control Pilates Central TV
Find out more:
VoiceGym is an exercise programme for developing and maintaining the coordination and efficiency of voice, body and brain. The exercises work all of these together, resulting in a voice with resonance and power.
Early VoiceGym is a Voice and Body Exercise programme for children from 5 to 10 years to develop singing, speech and posture. This provides an invaluable tool for any parent, teacher or music therapy specialist.
Nowhere in my musical training had exercise been mentioned. I gained a diploma in the teaching of singing at 23 (I could have taken it at the end of my training at 21) without ever opening an anatomy book.