Alexander will be presenting again at the Body Control Pilates annual development weekend. Two lectures entitled “The Mindful Mandilble”...

New VoiceGym Books!
We have now launched the updated VoiceGym Exercise Book and VoiceGym book. The exercise book comes with both audio and visual...

Alexander will be back teaching 2023 afer a break. He begins on the 20th of January at Body Control Pilates London teaching the first of...

Myofunctional VoiceGym, intermediate and advanced courses now being taught in the UK and Australia.
From 2022 you will now be able to enrol for the 3 month intermediate and advanced courses being taught in the UK and Australia, for more...

10 session online training available
Thrilled that the one profession the UK government deemed as 'unviable' hits the headlines this week. Congratulations to ENO and Kings...

VoiceGym DSmile course (from home)
As many of us are isolating, including myself, I am offering the opportunity to teach from home via Skype / Zoom or any other means...

New video uploaded to YouTube in Mike Mew's highly successful channel. Singing and tongue space... Do check it out !

One day workshop Bristol 20th October 2018
We will be holding a one day VoiceGym workshop in Bristol on Saturday the 20th October 2018. To enquire and book a place on the course...

DSmile teacher training in Budapest 2017!
From the 29th September to the 5th October we will be running the first English teacher training... the DSmile centre in Budapest is the...

VoiceGym in Hungary !
Alexander is continuing to teach and lecture here in the UK and Budapest... Later this year he hopes to run the first English teacher...