Voice Gym clients:
"I owe you a great debt for helping me put all the pieces back together again in the journey towards finding my true voice. It was in turn terrifying and exhilarating, and above all huge fun."
Newsletter of the Royal College of Music
"It may therefore be true that there is an interdependence between early language skills, upright posture and musical abilities in children. Angela's invaluable work points to insufficient awareness within the core of our musical education of the necessity of a more interdisciplinary approach. Music cannot be learned in isolation"
"Practice principal of Stowmarket Osteopaths Tim Oxbrow has been working with Angela Caine for 10 years. He said: Cranial osteopaths are interested in quite a lot of conditions in infants and children but we realise that we are limited for treatments.
Voice gym techniques can help with symptoms such as glue ear, asthma and chronic mouth breathing and after using them with children for a while you can see immense benefits."
Participants in voice workshops for teachers:
"Her exercises have improved my posture and breathing, and for the first time in over twenty years of teaching I feel confident about singing in front of my class.”
Radio Solent Music Live Singing Group
"It was about the confidence to sing, the joy of singing in a group - and it was such fun.”
"Poetry in motion at the new voice gymnasium"
The Stage and Television Today
"Caine's workouts can be used in everyday life as well as performance"
"Anyone who regularly uses their voice in their job can benefit. Angela has taught managers, office staff, lecturers, actors and house wives all of whom wanted to develop more confidence or authority when speaking"
"One of the country's leading voice coaches"
PR Week
"Effective presentation relies heavily on understanding how the voice works. A new kind of training shows how to master it"
...some VoiceGym users:
Nastasha Jouhl
Cantamus Girls Choir
Simone Laraway
Sian Mortlock
Ivor & Kevan Bundell
Alexander Evans
Phil Lowe

Fernando Fiorentino